Can I request a refund for my purchase?
If you're wondering whether you can request a refund for your purchase at, here’s a detailed overview to guide you through our refund policy.
Timeframe: You can request a full refund within 7 days of your purchase. Find out more on our refund process timeline.
Order Status: A full refund is possible if your order process has not been completed, and no AI model specific to your request has been trained.
Order Initiation: If the order process has begun or an AI model has been trained, but you haven’t downloaded any generated images, you are eligible for a refund minus a 10% non-refundable withholding fee.
Image Downloads: If you have downloaded any images generated by our AI model, you will not be eligible for a refund.
Service Issues:
In case of service outages, delays, or disruptions, we'll make every effort to fulfill your order promptly. However, if we cannot complete your order within a reasonable timeframe, you may qualify for a refund.
Quality Concerns:
If you’re unsatisfied due to the quality of the results, ensure that you have complied with our photo requirements:
Upload 6 chest-up photos and 2 half-body images.
Ensure variation in environment, facial expressions, and avoid wearing glasses, hats, or excessive makeup.
Do not include poor quality, repetitive, or inappropriate images.
Adherence to these guidelines is crucial for optimal results and refund eligibility.
Consult our Terms of Service for additional information.
Eligibility for a Full Refund:
Timeframe: You can request a full refund within 7 days of your purchase. Find out more on our refund process timeline.
Order Status: A full refund is possible if your order process has not been completed, and no AI model specific to your request has been trained.
Conditions for Partial Refund:
Order Initiation: If the order process has begun or an AI model has been trained, but you haven’t downloaded any generated images, you are eligible for a refund minus a 10% non-refundable withholding fee.
Image Downloads: If you have downloaded any images generated by our AI model, you will not be eligible for a refund.
Special Circumstances:
Service Issues:
In case of service outages, delays, or disruptions, we'll make every effort to fulfill your order promptly. However, if we cannot complete your order within a reasonable timeframe, you may qualify for a refund.
Quality Concerns:
If you’re unsatisfied due to the quality of the results, ensure that you have complied with our photo requirements:
Upload 6 chest-up photos and 2 half-body images.
Ensure variation in environment, facial expressions, and avoid wearing glasses, hats, or excessive makeup.
Do not include poor quality, repetitive, or inappropriate images.
Adherence to these guidelines is crucial for optimal results and refund eligibility.
Consult our Terms of Service for additional information.
Updated on: 13/02/2025
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